Woman's Monday Club
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HIGHLIGHTS OF 1942 – 1944
Gave money to City Federation of
Woman’s Club to be used to purchase materials with which the convalescents
at the Naval Air Base may occupy their time until able to go back to their
regular duties.
Donated money, cakes and workers for
a creole dinner given at U.S.O. headquarters.
Entertained at Vesper Services at
U.S.O.; gave forty-three ( 43 ) dozen cookies and coffee; also chaperone
twice a week at U.S.O.
The Club made and gave eight afghans
to Red Cross and Naval Air Base.
Members of Club reported knitting
through the summer and work turned over to the Red Cross – also many
garments made.
Contributed to Red Cross, Community
Chest – gifts of food and clothing to needy families at Thanksgiving and
Contributed to the Golden Jubilee
One Hundred per cent ( 100% ) in
subscription to the Texas Federation magazine.
Book placed on shelf at headquarters
in memory of Mrs. Frank A. Tompkins.
Books sent to the National Defense
Library in Washington – books to be sent to service men overseas.
Chairman of the War Service Comm.
moved the club equipment and sponsor a casualty center, seconded and
carried. After three months and twenty-three days the casualty center was
completed – list of materials for center in list given.
All money in the Woman’s Monday Club
and the Florence Student Loan Fund used to buy bonds.
A picture was awarded to the Club
for having bought the most bonds in the Fifth District. The picture was
sent to Austin to be hung in the Clubhouse.
The Club gave a three year
scholarship to student nurse - the nurse selected Miss Faye Pate, also gifts
at Christmas, birthdays and other occasions – Donation to Blood Bank, one
hundred per cent.
Monday Club Opens First
Aid Station
Fifty guests attended the opening of
the first aid casualty station at Civic Center yesterday, completely
equipped by members of the Woman’s Monday Club, oldest federated
organization in the city.
A complete room, equipped with beds,
blankets, medicine chest, compresses, bandages and all other types of
articles, is arranged for any emergency, such as an air raid or storm
disaster. A plaque inscribed with the names of the Monday Club donors, is
placed on the wall.
Mrs. Lawrence Brady represented the
Gray Ladies; Capt. Charles Ogden, the Office of Civilian Defense; Dr. McIver
Furman, Health Unit; Miss Katherine Redmond, Nurses’ Aides; Misses Doris
Hall and Elaine Norton, Motor Corps; Mrs. Moise Weil, surgical dressings;
Mrs. E. B. Neiswanger and Miss Sarah Caldwell, Canteen Corps; Mayor A. C.
McCaughan and Dr. E. W. Prothro.
Members of the Monday Club who acted
in the official capacity of hostesses were Mrs. Hood Boone, president; Mrs.
Vincent Bluntzer, Mrs. H. H. Watson, Miss Redmond, Mrs. Henry Redmond, Mrs.
Ralph McCampbell.
Others attending were Miss Florence
Williams of St. Louis, consultant for the Nurses’ Aide Corps; Miss Earl
Wyser, instructor for nurses aides and Miss Ruby Ripperton, state supervisor
of the Tuberculosis Association from Austin.
Other members of the house party
were Mrs. E. W. Cummings, Mrs. Paul Mathews, Mrs. William Gerhardt and Mrs.
Atlee McCampbell.