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Woman's Monday Club Scrapbook

Page 19


Practical Suggestions for Club Women in

Texas in General Use by the Applied

 Education Department.


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            The underlying purpose of this pamphlet is to have our women realize the seriousness of the choice of members, composing our School-Boards; how to choose them; and what should be their qualifications.


            1.         A member of a school-board should be a representative of the community.

            (This is a study in itselfHow can we best represent our community?)

            2.         A member of a school-board is chosen to serve, not to boss.

(The understanding of the difference between “serving” and “bossing” creates another study of us.)

3.         He should be a gentleman in all his conduct.

(Not alone is he responsible to his fellow-members on the Board and the teachers of the school, but every child of the school expects him to be a gentleman.)

4.         He should know that his work is legislative, not administrative.

(Study to know the difference.  How are our schools, from the University to the County, administered?)

5.         He should be chosen from the best talent available.

(This invites a study of the qualifications of a member of a school-board, and how to classify those available.)

6.         He should be chosen as to merit

(Ask your candidates:  “Why do you wish to be on the School-Board?”  Hear their replies; and you will have some subjects for Roll Call in the Club Year Books.)

7.         He should have backbone as well as brains.

(This is suggestive of the fact that a member of the school-board must be able to stand alone, in his judgment.

8.         He should be able to understand questions of finance.

(Here is a field of work for every club member.  Surely, that is not the reason why some communities have no women on their school-boards.)

9.         He is responsible to the people

(He should never forget this.  Do the people always remember that this is a fact?)

10.       He should keep within the limit of the desire of the people of the community who chose him.

(A thorough study of what constitutes the desire of a community, in reference to its school-board, might be made a profitable club paper.)

The Principal Qualifications of a Member of a School-Board:    1.  Honesty;   

2.   Competence.


Corpus Christi, Texas.




Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs


Twenty-Seventh Annual Convention


Municipal Auditorium, Amarillo, Texas



November 11, 12, 13 and 14, 1924


Hostess:  Potter Co.  Federation                                       Headquarters:  Amarillo Hotel.


            The Twenty-seventh Annual Convention of the Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs is called for November 11th to 14th.



Lobby of Amarillo Hotel

Lobby of Palo Duro Hotel

Rotunda of Municipal Auditorium


Delegates will register upon arrival with Credentials Committee.

Board of Directors Meeting :

            Woman’s Club Rooms,  Municipal Auditorium, 9:30 A.M. and 2:39 P. M.


            Luncheon to the Board of Directors,  courtesy of Junior Woman’s Club.  Fine Arts Evening : November 11th

            Convention opens for business Wednesday,  November 12th,  9:00 A. M.

            Delegates report to Credentials Committee at 8:00 A. M.

            Southern Dinner : Palo Duro Hotel at 5:45 P.M.,  November 12th

            President’s Evening : Wednesday,  November 12th,  at 8:00 o’clock.


            Pioneer Dinner :  Amarillo Hotel,  at 5:45 P. M.,  November 13th.

            Districts’ Evening : Thursday,  November 13th, at 8:00 o’clock.


            Clubs are requested to send names of delegates and alternates to Miss Eleanor Rider,  of Amarillo,  and Mrs.  Day Mills,  411 Pine St.,  Texarkana.

            Chairman of Hotels : Mrs.  J.  M.  Delzell,  Amarillo.  Reservations should be made early.

            Delegates will bring list of amendments enclosed with this announcement.

            Noted speakers have been secured for all sessions of the Convention.

            Theme of the Convention:  Club Women and The American Home.

            Clubs will send names of members who have passed on since the last Convention, to the office of the State President.  The Memorial Service will be from three-fifteen, Wednesday P. M.,  November 12th.



MILDRED SEATON,  Corresponding Sec’y




Louvain Library Fund  Appeal Made Through Women’s Reading Club


AT the general meeting of the Woman’s Reading club in February,

            Mrs. J. L. Cunningham, corresponding secretary, read a communication from Mrs. Henry Redman, president of the Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs, in which she made an appeal for funds for the Louvain library.  Mrs. C. A. Richardson, president, at this session appointed Mrs. Hat W. Greer chairman of the committee to solicit funds; and at the March session held on Saturday afternoon.  Mrs. Greer reported a total of $13.50 had been forwarded to the general Louvain library fund.

            The rebuilding of the Louvain Library will serve as a memorial in Belgium to the 50,000 American soldiers who lost their lives during the war.  Mrs. Redman writes in part of the fund:

            “You will recall that when Cardinal Mercier of Belgium came to this country immediately after the armistice and was asked what America could do for his country, his reply was a request for the rehabilitation of the famous Louvain library.

            “Theodore Roosevelt, Cardinal Gibbons and Chief justice White were all members of the committee which then assured him that the United States would replace the library and make it a memorial in Belgium to the 50,000 American soldiers.  The women volunteered to contribute our share toward completing this enterprise.  It is incomplete!  Only one wing is standing, stark and silent among its scaffolding and all building activities have ceased.

            “This is an opportunity for the entire womanhood of America to express in permanent form the hope that peace may reign among the nations of the world for evermore.  It is the aggregate of a great many small gifts that will make the library at Louvain truly America’s symbol of the brotherhood of man.”

            Mrs. Greer is also making an appeal to the general public for donations, no matter how small, for this worthy cause.


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