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Woman's Monday Club Scrapbook

Page 33


Local Group Recognized



Monday Club’s New Policy Commented

Upon in Article


            Interesting to club women in the city is the article which appears in the September Issue of “The Clubwomen,” official magazine of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs.  The article, which follows, concerns the adoption of the nine-point plan by the Women’s Monday Club of this city for study this year.

            “The Woman’s Monday Club of Corpus Christi, Texas, has transformed itself into the GFWC University of ‘Education for Living’ with the Clubwoman GFWC adopted as their textbook.

            “Mrs. Frank de Garmo, pres- _________________________________


of merit, similar to the one shown above, have been awarded members of the Woman’s Monday Club of Corpus Christi by Mrs. Roberta Campbell Lawson, president of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs for the completion of work in the University of Education for Living.  The certificates are signed by Mrs. Lawson and by Mrs. Frank de Carmo, president of the Woman’s Monday Club.

            Those who have been awarded certificates include:

            Mrs. R. R. Banner, division chairman Indian welfare, G. F. W. C., Chairman of Music, W. M. C.; Mrs. Vincent Bluntzer, director department press and publicity, G. F. W. C. for W. M. C.; Mrs. H. S. Bonham, division of home making, G. F. W. C. for W. M. C.; Mrs. E. W. Cummings, director department education G. F. W. C. for W. M. C.; Mrs. Frank de Garmo, president and director, public welfare, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. J. G. Elliott division chairman family finance and insurance, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. A. M. French, division chairman music clubwomen, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. V. L. Garnett division chairman clubwomen art, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. William Gerhardt, special division chairman radio publicity, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. Lottie Hackler, division chairman law observance, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. J. A. Hill, division chairman library service, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. W. B. Hopkins, division chairman conservation of youth, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. J. B. Hubbard, director international relations, G. F. W. C. for W. M. C.; Miss Mai Francis Hunter, division chairman Americanization, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. Carrie Lichtenstein, division chairman community service, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. Atlee McCampbell, division chairman literature, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. Ralph H. McCampbell, division chairman Pan American fellowship, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. E. B. Neiswanger, director department American citizenship, G. F. W. C. for W. M. C.; Mrs. J. C. North, division chairman League of Nations, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. W. R. Norton, division chairman conservation natural resources, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. Sam W. Rankin, director department American home, G. F. W. C. for W. M. C.; Mrs. Henry Redmond, division chairman newspaper publicity, G. F. W. C.; Mrs. G. R. Scott, organizer and “founder,” W. M. C.; Mrs. C. C. Stone, review Metropolitan Opera “LaBoheme” Matinee Puccini; Mrs. Mary Thompson, review Metropolitan Matinee AidaVerdi; Mrs. H. H. Watson, director fine arts, G. F. W. C. for W. M. C.; Mrs. Kate G. Young, division chairman international Good Will, G. F. W. C.


Corpus Christi Times, Monday Feb. 13, 1950



Monday Club Celebrates Anniversary


            Members of the Woman’s Monday Club celebrated their 53rd anniversary with a seated tea yesterday at Watsonia, home of Mrs. H. H. Watson, Ocean Drive.  Greeting the members and guests with the hostess were Mrs. Maude French Smith, president, and Mrs. Charles Pugsley, program chairman.

            Members and the 26 guests who attended spent the afternoon in conversation groups about the home.  Two new members, Mrs. Fulton Hoopes and Mrs. Robert McCampbell, were welcomed.

            The table was arranged with a hand painted cover and a red and white theme in the flowers and candies.  A huge heart of red carnations was the centerpiece.  Mrs. Edgar Mathis, Mrs. Roy Olsen, and Mrs. Lylian Trickett served.  Individual Valentines were place favors.

            Among the guests were Mrs. M. M. Sadler, president of the City Federation of Women’s Clubs; Mrs. Will Wright of Alice, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Lewis, and Mrs. Bessie Bellinger, a former Monday Club member.

            At the party the club received as a Valentine a bouquet of bright pink gladiolus and poppies, sent by Mrs. Conrad Blucher in memory of her mother, the late Mrs. F. A. Hill, a member of the club.




The Woman’s Monday club is sponsoring a loan library of old books and prints on April 21, 22 and 23 in an “Old Book Stall” to be erected at the Plaza hotel lobby.

            All of the books have been labelled with their names, the date on which they were printed, and the name of the owner.  There will also be old photographs, old pictures, and other old articles pertaining to printing or engraving.

            One particularly interesting framed exhibit will be a picture of “Joan of Arc” woven in cloth to resemble steel engraving.  Another interesting display which is in a small frame is the original signature of Charles Dickens.

            There are books printed as far back as 1492.  One cop was printed by hand by the monks in an old monastery in Europe.

            One volume that is particularly interesting is an old copy of “Mother Goose” rhymes printed in 1871.  There is a book named, “Standard Poets,” printed in 1700, a “Life of Milton” printed in 1710, an old Bailey’s dictionary bought in 1783 and believed to have been printed two or three years previous to that date.  Another immensely interesting copy is entitled “Masterpieces of Italian Art” printed in 1887 and showing many beautiful reproductions of Italian paintings and drawings.

            There will be a special shelf for old school books which will include old algebras, arithmetic books, grammars, history books, readers, spellers, and geographies, some printed as early as 1870.  There will also be several old Bibles.

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