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Woman's Monday Club Scrapbook

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Woman’s Monday Club Hears Address by Mrs. G. R. Scott At Fortieth Birthday Party


Nueces Hotel Is Setting of Anniversary Celebration Held Monday Afternoon;

Out-of-Town Club Women Attend


            Approximately 150 club women, including many out-of-town guests prominent in the Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs work, heard Mrs. G. R. Scott, dean of local club women, speak at the fortieth birthday anniversary party held by members of the Woman’s Monday Club yesterday afternoon at the Nueces Hotel.  Mrs. Scott, in her address: “Forty Years in Federation,” described the origin of the modern woman’s club in Boston, some 68 years ago.

            Mrs. Scott told of the meeting, in her home, at which the Woman’s Monday Club was founded and of the club’s federation during the same year, giving credit for inspiration and organization of the club to Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker of Austin.

            She outlined the growth and development of women’s clubs from the time, 40 years ago, when there were only five clubs in the district, to date when federated clubs in this section count more than 2,000 members.  To women’s clubs, Mrs. Scott attributed much credit for the cultural development of the community as well as for the artistic enlightenment of individual members.

            At the conclusion of Mrs. Scott’s address, she was presented with a large bouquet of pink carnations, the club flower, a tribute from club women to the “Admiral of the Valley” in recognition of her years of active club work.  Mrs. Carrie Lichtenstein, program chairman, made the presentation.  She also introduced the speaker.  Mrs. T. A. Anderson gave the invocation preceding the address by Mrs. Scott.

            Mrs. Sam Rankin presented Mrs. Scott with an album containing written tributes from Monday Club members.  Mrs. Selma Levy also presented Mrs. Scott with flowers in behalf of Mrs. A. P. Worden of San Antonio.

            Refreshments were served from a large table laid with an Italian cut-work cloth and centered with a large bouquet of pink carnations, green fern and sliver leaves.  Candelabra containing pink tapers was placed on either side of the central decoration.  Other baskets of the flowers and potted palms were used in the decorations for the sun parlors.

            Mrs. Edwin Flato and Mrs. William Gerhardt presided at the silver coffee services at each end of the table.  Mrs. Sam Rankin, assisted by daughters of the members, served the guest.  Mrs. H. H. Watson of Gregory served the large birthday cake, decorated in pink and green flowers.  Mrs. Marshall Spoonts also assisted in entertaining the guest.

            The party was attended by presidents, or their representatives of each woman’s club in the city, as well as county clubs and parent-teacher associations.  Club representatives were introduced my Mrs. Vincent Bluntzer.

            Mrs. Lichtenstein introduced Mrs. George Westervelt of San Antonio, a charter member of the Monday Club; Mrs. Worden, also of San Antonio; Mrs. D. P. Gay, Mrs. J. C. George and Mrs. Volney Taylor of Brownsville; Mrs. George Cox of Del Rio, president of the Fifth District Federation; Mrs. J. D. Finnegan of Kingsville; Mrs. J. D. Cochran of Sinton, Mrs. L. B. Hardin of Bishop and Mrs. B. H. Kirk of Robstown.  Each guest made a brief response to the introduction.  Mrs. F. A. Tompkins, life member of the state federation, was introduced by Mrs. Frank De Garmo, club president.

            Music during the afternoon was furnished by the 31-piece orchestra of the Corpus Christi Senior High School.



Monday Club Honors Founder Mrs. G. R. Scott


            Womans Monday Club, pioneer club of Corpus Christi last week celebrated its 48th anniversary with a party held at the home of its founder member Mrs. G. R. Scott, corner of South Broadway and Kinney Ave.

            Mrs. Scott was assisted in entertaining by her daughter Mrs. W. E. Pope.

            The entertainment feature of the program was “Frills and Fancies” conducted by Mrs. R. G. Terrell.  A tribute was paid to Mrs. Scott who is affectionately known to club women of Texas as “The Admiral”.

            Mrs. Scott responded with a toast “What Are the Wild Waves of Corpus Christi Bay Saying”, which she first gave forty years ago.

            A social hour followed with Mrs. B. W. Klipstein, Mrs. J. B. Hubbard, club president, and Mrs. E. W. Cumings presiding at the refreshment table.  A Valentine cake was decorated with red and white frosting, with the words “1897 to 1945.”  Cupids and red and white carnations centered the lace-covered table. 

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